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This web site has been designed to provide general information about Precision Gas Measurement B.V. and its products and services. The information presented here is not intended to provide technical advice or to provide instructions on the use of the products supplied by Precision Gas Measurement B.V. Any information contained or referenced in this web site is suitable only as an introduction to Precision Gas Measurement B.V.  and its products and services. For specific advice and instructions related to our products and services, please contact Precision Gas Measurement B.V. directly.

We have made - and will continue to make - great efforts to provide accurate and up-to-date information. However, we make no warranty or representation, expressed or implied, that the information contained or referenced here in is accurate or complete. Furthermore, Precision Gas Measurement B.V. shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damage resulting from the use of, access of, or inability to use this information. In addition, Precision Gas Measurement B.V.  shall not be liable in any way for possible errors or omissions in the contents hereof. In particular, this applies to any references to products and services supplied by Precision Gas Measurement B.V..

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